Marshall County Commissioners Receive IT Update

Marshall County IT Director Michael Marshall gave a quarterly update to the commissioners Monday morning.

There was a new phone system that moved and the downtime for the offices was quite minimal. More fiber optic cables were installed which has made everything work more efficiently. Marshall stated that one office is also digitizing microfilm which has caused the need for more space for backup purposes.

More permits and permit applications will be able to be found on the county’s website for convenience in the next couple of weeks. The assessor’s office will also undergo an upgrade soon.

The county offices have approximately 250 computers which include PCs, laptops and servers. Some of those computers are used all the time while some are idle until they are used. Marshall explained that this could be an instance where a specific duty is assigned to that computer and that duty is not completed on a frequent basis.

The commissioners told Marshall that the department is doing a great job – especially with the recent server failure that occurred Saturday morning. An air handler had quit working and it wasn’t able to be fixed until yesterday.