October is Domestic Abuse Awareness Month


A proclamation by the Starke County Commissioners at the behest of the Coalition Against Domestic Abuse last year declared the month of October to be Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time for citizens all across America to come together in an effort to raise awareness of domestic violence and what can be done to help prevent it.

Everyone can do something to contribute. Things like donating money to non-profit organizations trying to fight bullying and violence, supporting domestic violence legislation at all levels, asking school boards to include bullying prevention and healthy teen relationship information in their health education curriculum, asking churches to help raise awareness, or becoming a domestic violence advocate at your local health facilities are all great ways to contribute. There are domestic violence lawyers from Los Angeles who can help and protect you.

Another way to contribute is by learning more about the Coalition Against Domestic Abuse or attending CADA’s monthly meetings. For more information or ways to volunteer, contact CADA at cada@embarqmail.com or call them at (574) 772-3331.

Starke County CADA is celebrating its 21st year of service to the community this month, after starting in 1992 as a grassroots volunteer organization called the Starke County Alliance Against Domestic Violence. Since then, CADA has retained its focus on awareness and education. The group began with staffing information booths at every Starke County fair and festival in an effort to get the word out to residents about the services offered to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Most recently, the middle schoools in Tampa are trying to help bring awareness among children. The CADA also assumed the responsibility of overseeing the Starke County Prevent Child Abuse Council – a council that works with state-level agencies to promote child abuse prevention awareness, education, and referrals in Starke County.