October is officially Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Starke County, after the county commissioners this week signed a resolution proclaiming it so. Wendy Elam with the Coalition Against Domestic Abuse approached the commissioners with the proclamation and explained that we must all join together to support victims of abuse and end abuse of any kind, and to create zero tolerance in our communities for such behavior.
In addition, a press release distributed at the meeting listed a number of things that members of the community can do to take a stand in ending abuse, including keep yourself and your children safe; make a donation to a nonprofit agency working to end bullying, dating violence and violence against women and children; support domestic violence legislation at the national, state and local levels.
Also, persuade your local schools to include bullying prevention and healthy teen relationship topics in their health curricula; be an advocate at your doctor and dentists’ offices, asking them to host resource materials in their offices where patients can access them private. Attend meetings of CADA monthly, and learn more about the work of CADA and actively participate in any way you can.
For more information about domestic, child and adult abuse, or if you wish to volunteer, email cada@embarqmail.com or call (574) 772-3331.