Upcoming Events to Benefit Business, Industry Leaders

Two different events for business and industry officials are scheduled for Friday, Nov. 15.

A Department of Workforce Development/WorkOne/CWI presentation will be held to go over employment statistics, workforce training and unemployment insurance. A time and location for this event have not yet been selected, but if you would like more information, contact Nathan Origer, Director of the Pulaski County Community Development Commission at (574) 946-3869.

A presentation entitled, “Greening Your Bottom Line” will be held at the Jasper County Fairgrounds near Rennselaer from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. CT. This is an opportunity for you to share the experiences of business and industry in Benton, Carroll, Jasper, Newton, Pulaski and White Counties. There will be a panel to address current energy efficiency/incentives from REMC and NIPSCO and an engineer will address the true cost of water. A representative from the Indiana Department of Agriculture, Economic Development will discuss new Ag economic opportunities and more. This program is free. If you would like more information about this program, email cstradling@nwiswd.org.