The end of Daylight Saving Time means many motorists are now driving home at dusk or even in the dark. It’s also an indicator of approaching inclement weather. Experts say this is a good time to check and make sure all of your vehicle’s headlights tail lights and turn signals work to ensure you can see and be seen. State law requires a vehicle’s headlights be turned on between sunset and sunrise and any time persons or other vehicles aren’t clearly visible at a distance of 500 feet or less due to insufficient light or unfavorable weather such as fog, heavy rain or snow.
This is also a good time to check your windshield wipers for wear and replace them if necessary. Both all-season and winter styles are available. Winter blades have a rubber or vinyl wrapper around the blade to block ice or snow from getting between the metal arms of the wiper, which in turn helps the blade make better contact with the windshield to help prevent streaking and decreased vision. All season blades will clear water, snow and ice away from a windshield but are not wrapped in rubber or vinyl.