The Town of Culver wants to hear from residents about the future of the park. They’ve scheduled a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 6 p.m. EST at the Train Depot at 615 E. Lake Shore Drive. The park has been at the center of considerable controversy of late after the firing of the superintendent and activities director. There’s also been quite a bit of debate about the makeup of the park board and whether a seventh member should be added.
A news release from the town states that citizens will be given an opportunity to speak, but time will be limited to ensure all have a chance to be heard. The release did not specify how much time each speaker will get. Anyone who wishes to address the council will need to sign up on a “request to speak” sheet prior to the start of that meeting. All speakers will address the board from the podium and will be required to state their name and address before speaking, as an official transcript of the meeting is being made. All speakers are asked to address the council only, and audience members are asked to be respectful of all in attendance. The council reserves the right to ask anyone who does not follow the rules to leave. A copy of the rules is below:
The public hearing will proceed in an orderly fashion and we would like to ask your cooperation in the following procedures:
1. Everyone who has signed up will be given an opportunity to be heard. All comments shall be made from the speaker’s rostrum, and any individual making comments shall first give his or her name and address. Please speak slowly and clearly. This is required because an official recorded transcript of the hearing is being made.
2. If anyone requires special accommodation in order to speak, please let us know and we will make arrangements.
3. In fairness to all in attendance, each person will be given an opportunity to address the Council for an initial period not to exceed minutes. We are requesting Council members to hold their questions of the public until everyone is done.
4. It is not necessary to be a proponent or opponent in order to speak.
5. There should be no demonstrations (clapping, cheering, etc.) during or at the conclusion of anyone’s presentation.
6. This is the time for presentation of testimony. No debate is allowed. Testimony shall be directed to council and council alone.
These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing, to give every person an opportunity to be heard, and to ensure that no individual is embarrassed by exercising his or her right of free speech.