Borg said crews worked on repairing the more problematic potholes yesterday, filling the big ones as much as possible. On top of that, they’ve also been working to clear out storm drains and relocate snow to prevent any hindrance to drainage.
Fortunately, Borg said the streets in Knox aren’t as bad as some state roads and the damage caused by this freeze-thaw cycle is fairly minimal, with the majority of the damage on Culver Road, Pacific Avenue, South Roosevelt and near the intersection of Clabaugh and U.S. 35.
Borg said the department has been using QPR-12, a cold patch that seems to hold better this time of year. Though the patch material costs roughly twice as much, Borg said it pays for itself by saving the department the hassle of refilling the hole later.
The majority of the potholes have been addressed, Borg said, but efforts continue today to finish off the smaller ones while the weather holds.