The LaPorte Police Department is investigating two separate attempts to cash counterfeit checks at the LaPorte Community Federal Credit Union. An official there told police the credit union got a check in the mail from a casino for one of their customers in May of 2013. The check was for $67,000. It was made out to the credit union but was supposed to be deposited in the customer’s account, according to the police report. When credit union officials asked the customer about the check, she told them it was from her retirement fund at the casino. They later found out the check was counterfeit.
On Tuesday, the credit union got another check from the same casino, made out to the same customer, in the amount of $63,940. This check was delivered by UPS, according to the police report. Bank officials tried unsuccessfully to contact the customer. They then Googled the address listed on the checks and found out it belonged to a Mexican chicken business.