Many school corporations have yet to decide what to do about another missed day of school this week.
Severe winter weather caused the cancellation of school Wednesday. West Central schools will be making up the day at the end of the school year and as you heard Eastern Pulaski School Superintendent Dan Foster, another day will be added to the school calendar to make up that day. Officials at Oregon-Davis, North Judson-San Pierre and Knox schools are still contemplating how to proceed.
Earlier, schools were given several options by the Department of Education as to how to go about making up missed days due to weather. Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz said corporation officials have the flexibility to change their calendar by rescheduling holidays, pre-established snow flex days or professional development days without requesting a waiver from the DOE. Schools are also able to host school on Saturdays or add days to the end of the school year.
Conditional waivers may be requested. This may be done if corporations add instructional time to each instructional day that is in addition to time already provided in the calendar. An instructional day consists of five hours of instructional time for students in grades one through six and six hours of instructional time for students in grades seven through 12. Conditional waiver requests are due by June 1.
Many local corporations have already opted to use built-in snow days, use an earlier approved waiver or add days to the end of the school calendar.