Local Student Recognized at State JAG Competition


Justin Reynolds from Knox High School was recognized at the 2014 Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Career Development Conference.

According to a published report on www.LaPorteCountyLife.com, the final state competition on March 14 found Reynolds in first place in the category of Financial Literacy.

Students in the state finals participated in 12 regional competitions. There were nine competitions at the state finals with nine to 16 students competing in each contest. The competitions included job interviews, writing skills, creative thinking, career presentations, public speaking and creative solutions.

JAG is a state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to reconnecting at risk students and helping them overcome education barriers. Students are taught up to 88 areas of focus including critical thinking, team leadership and effective communications skills that will increase their chance at getting a job.

The JAG program is funded through grants provided by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development.