New Program Aims at Processing State Excise Violations More Efficiently


A new program is being launched to aimed at processing State Excise Police violations more efficiently.

The program, Fast Track, will have the capability of processing certain violations, particularly those allegedly who have occurred at locations where public safety has become an issue. Those include public nuisance charges, use or sale of controlled substances, prostitution, over service of alcohol resulting in death or serious injury and any other cases concerning public safety repeat violations that indicate a disregard for the law.

With this new system, a backlog has already been processed.

Violations of the state’s Alcoholic Beverage Code can result in fines up to $1,000, suspension of an alcohol permit or revocation of an alcohol permit.

The Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission is a enforcement division where the primary mission is to promote public safety by enforcing Indiana’s Alcoholic Beverage Code. Indiana State Excise Police officers have the authority to enforce any state law, but focus primarily on alcohol, tobacco and related laws.