No Burn Ordinance in Effect in the Knox City Limits

 The weather has dipped below the level where it was over the weekend, but meteorologists say it will be nice again this weekend which could lead to outdoor chores.

The Knox City Council members want to remind residents that there is a no burning ordinance within the city limits. According the ordinance listed on, “no person shall start, kindle, cause, allow or maintain any form of leaf burning or wood burning of any kind, on private or public property, except as specifically authorized”.

The council suggests that you utilize the compost pile behind Knox City Hall to dispose of leaves, grass or any other yard waste. Brush may also be set out by the curb and the city street department will pick up the debris on regular brush pick up day.

You may burn logs or wood products in residential fireplaces and charcoal in outdoor grills.

Any industrial and/or commercial burning need to be approved by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and a written permit must be approved by the Knox Fire Chief.

Warnings and fines will be distributed according to the ordinance. Fines start at $50.

More guidelines are available by viewing the ordinance here.