Marshall County Commissioners Approve Computer Module for Court Services


The Marshall County Commissioners entertained a request from Ward Byers, Director of Court Services to streamline software in the court.

It’s a case management software program for court services. Byers said the court system has things in all sorts of different applications and this will allow all information to accessible in one application.

Byers presented a quote for a module from Computer Systems, Inc.

“Computer Systems, Inc. is currently here in Marshall County,” explained Byers. “It’s the exact same system that our courts and clerks have used for years. What I propose that we do is purchase the community corrections module. Within the community corrections module is also the drug and alcohol module.”

He said there are really good advantages for the department.

“We don’t have to purchase the accounting section because the clerk’s office has that and does all of the collection of our monies. We don’t have to purchase any of the scanning software or hardware because that’s already in place as well. The courts and the clerks already scan documents so we’ll be able to piggyback off what’s already there.”

The total investment is $8,010. The commissioners approved the contract and now Byers will go before the Marshall County Council on Monday, May 12 and ask for an additional appropriation to purchase the module. There is money in the court services budget for the purchase of this module.