New Water Line Benefits Both Starke County and City of Knox


The new water line installed for the Starke County Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center not only helped that county project, but it has helped the city in its firefighting capabilities.

According to Knox Water Superintendent Todd Gardner, 28 existing fire hydrants on East Culver Road were barely able to meet the minimum requirement of 500 gallons per minute for firefighting capabilities. With this project, water flows at a capacity of 1,000 gallons per minute while maintaining a good pressure on the water main.

The flow and pressure tests made on Williams Street, Edgewood Drive and Short Subdivision showed increases of over 450 gallons per minute with the installation of the Henry Driver water line. It also shows an increase at the new county jail site. The line flows 840 gallons per minute while maintaining a good system pressure.

Gardner told WKVI that the fire hydrants now have enough pressure to work at a proper firefighting capacity and is good news for residents in that area. He added that both the county and the city benefited from this project.