The Indiana Works Councils recently awarded Career and Technical Education (CTE) Awareness grants to ten regional works councils to aid in expanding knowledge of regional employer needs, to highlight available training and education programs and to provide greater recognition of long-term career opportunities for local students and adults who may be changing careers.
The Indiana Works Councils bring together business, education and workforce leaders to identify regional needs for employers, students and communities. The members also evaluate the career and technical education opportunities with the communities and come up with programming to meet regional needs.
Over $65,000 in grants were awarded. The Region 1 grant, which assists the Northwest Indiana region, will provide a Counselors Academy during the summer with a Career Pathways Program this fall; five industry/partner facility tours for teachers and counselors will be coordinated this summer through the summer of 2015; instructional guides as well as 25 instructional videos will be created; and CTE-focused summer camps for students in Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Starke, Pulaski, Jasper and Newton Counties are planned.
Grants were awarded to ten regional works councils who provided specific proposals on their goals for state support.