The Marshall County Commissioners will meet in regular session this morning with several items on the agenda.
Bart Trester from USI will give the commissioners an update on two county projects. The 7th Road project recently had a hiccup when unstable, organic soil was found. It had to be dug up and removed from the area.
The conduit for the Metronet project is being installed and Trester will update the commissioners on where the project stands.
Health insurance information will be forwarded to the board by Tony Nyers from The Healy Group, Wes Burden from the health department will seek approval of grant applications, and Peter Gyerko will discuss a drainage issue during the highway department report. Attorney Jim Clevenger will also have a report on legal issues.
The commissioners will meet at 8:30 a.m. ET today in the meeting room located on the second floor of the Marshall County Building.