A Winamac Eagle Scout candidate is taking community service to the extreme. The 18-year-old Eastern Pulaski School Senior said he was inspired to build a skate park for the community as his Eagle Scout project.
Clark Gudas of Boy Scout Troop 229 said the idea first developed a few years back.
“We first came up with the idea for the skate park around August of 2011. I was skating with one of my friends and I was wondering why we don’t have a skate park in the town of Winamac so I knew I was a Boy Scout and would eventually have to build an eagle scout project so I thought a skate park would be a really cool thing to do for my Eagle Scout project”
The dream became reality and construction is currently under way in the Rhinehart park near the YMCA. The project is scheduled to be finished by the end of August.
Gudas and his group applied for a Tony Hawk grant a few months back and just recently found out that they were approved. The only stipulation about receiving the $7,500 is that the group raises an additional $5,000. Fundraising is ongoing and donations are currently being accepted. Checks can be made out to Arrow Head Country RC&D and mailed to Clark Gudas, 671 N. 400 E, Winamac.
Any questions can be directed to winamacskatepark@centurylink.net. The project is also on Facebook. Click here to show your support.