Make Sure Insurance Coverage Extends to College-Bound Students


College students are heading back to school. Make sure their possessions are property insured in the event of a theft, fire or other natural disaster. Officials with the Indiana Department of Insurance recommend parents check with their insurance agent to see if their college student’s belongings are covered by their homeowners policy before they get settled in on campus.

Generally such coverage extends to traditional, full-time students under the age of 26 who live on campus. If a college student lives off campus, a renter’s insurance policy may be needed to cover their personal possessions or accidental damages to their rental property. Renter’s insurance typically covers personal property losses due to fire, windstorm or hail, some, vandalism, malicious mischief and theft. It also provides liability coverage, including personal liability and medical payments to others. If expensive items like valuable jewelry need to be insured, rider coverage is available.