Police in LaPorte are investigating a child seduction incident that occurred via social media. They were contacted Saturday by the mother of a 15-year-old girl who found disturbing photos on her daughter’s smart phone. Police say the girl had been using the smart phone messenger service Kik to talk to several men.
One who identified himself as “Chocolate D” reportedly sent two obscene photos to the girl that morning. The girl told the officers she did not know the man and did not like the photos he sent but was unsure how to end the conversation. She also told them he asked detailed questions about her body and asked her to send him photos. She sent him one image of herself fully clothed. The officers told the youngster not to talk to the man any more and to never give out personal information via social media websites. Learn more about how to keep youngsters safe online by visiting http://www.bgca.org/cybersafe/Pages/default.aspx.