Some Hoosiers who have registered vehicles with the state will be getting excise tax refund notices in the mail from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles within the next 30 days. The refunds date back to 2004 and are estimated at $29 million plus interest.
About 180,000 Hoosiers are entitled to refunds. That number represents 3.5 percent of those who registered vehicles over the past decade. BMV Commissioner Don Snemis says the agency will use all reasonable measures to locate everyone entitled to a refund, including follow-up mailings and the use of a national database to locate individuals who may no longer live in the state. He says the BMV is also developing a website to allow anyone entitled to a refund to print a claim form. The agency will also work with the attorney general’s office and turn a list of those entitled to refunds over to the Indiana Unclaimed Property program.
Snemis adds the BMV has also reorganized responsibilities for monitoring and supervising tax and fee collections and making sure they are consistent with state law.