![Christmas wallpaper](https://i0.wp.com/wkvi.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Christmas-Wallpaper-christmas-2624845-1680-1050-150x150.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1)
Christmas stocking care packages will be sent to military members serving overseas this year thanks to Operation Quiet Comfort of Marshall County. They are asking for $10 donations to fill stockings with a beef stick, granola bar, hand and toe warmers, a pair of white socks, assorted seasonal goodies and special written holiday cards from members of the nonprofit organization. They plan to put a total of 800 stockings together. If you are interested in donating contact Jan Houin at janh@operationquietcomfort.com or call 575-936-1424. Stockings are being put together today to be ready within the next couple of weeks for shipping.
Operation Quiet Comfort exists solely for the purpose of honoring and comforting America’s military men and women who become sick and injured while serving in harm’s way. They also provide support to those who care for them.