Pulaski County Highway Superintendent Mark Fox informed the commissioners this week that there are three bridges on the 12-month inspection cycle. Work will be done soon to remove them from that list.
“We’re going to place wrap underneath these bridges to correct a substructure undercutting issue and those three will be able to be removed from that 12 month inspection cycle once we complete that,” stated Fox.
That list includes bridge 14 on 1275 W. between 600 S. and 675 S. which is southeast of Francesville, bridge 45 on 300 N. at 1600 W. which is northeast of Medaryville, and bridge 247 on 150 S. between 225 E and 300 East just east of Winamac.
Matt Lee and Jeff Larrison of United Consulting presented the commissioners with a bridge inspection report. The top five bridges that are on the replacement list include bridge 154 on County Road 700 North over Bogus Run, bridge 251 on County Road 315 E. over Mill Creek, Bridge 252 on County Road 300 East over Little Mill Creek, bridge 8 on County Road 800 South over Hill Ditch, and Bridge 249 on County Road 250 S. over Mill Creek.
The report showed that Pulaski County is in full compliance with State and Federal regulations with the 74 total bridges in the county.