Many people are traveling this time of year so the roads can be quite hectic. Be sure to buckle up before taking off for a drive. Also ensure that all passengers are secured in their safety belts or car seats.
Drive attentively by avoiding these three common distractions; cell phones, adjusting the radio and eating or drinking. To avoid falling asleep at the wheel, be well rested before a long drive. Be a conscientious driver and share the road. Be on the lookout for motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Never drive impaired! Even the slightest amount of alcohol can negatively affect a driver’s response time. Always establish a designated driver. If there are no sober motorists, don’t hesitate to call a cab or spend the night at the location. Don’t risk your life or the lives of others by driving under the influence.
Road conditions can be incredibly unpredictable during the winter months so slow down, pay attention and obey the speed limits posted.