Judge Seeks to Fill Vacancy on Starke County Park Board


Last week’s resignation of a Starke County Park Board member has created a vacancy on that recently-populated board. Mike Meadows was named to the panel by Starke Circuit Judge Kim Hall, who is now looking to appoint his replacement.

Prospective appointees must be Starke County residents with an interest in parks and recreation. The volunteer park board is tasked with oversight of the Bass Lake Beach and Campground, Starke County Forest and other non-municipal recreational lands in the county. Board members meet the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the county annex building. Hall hopes to appoint a new member to that panel by the end of the year. Prospective members need to submit letters of interest for consideration to: Judge Kim Hall, Starke County Courthouse, P.O. Box 395, 53 Washington St., Knox, IN 46534 or by email to judgekimhall@co.starke.in.us.