Winter Wonderland in Winamac Today


The Winter Wonderland Festival in Winamac is today, and WKVI will be there. Jerry Curtis and Tony Ross will broadcast from noon until 1 p.m. ET amidst the crowd and vender booths. Stop by and say hello while catching the spirit of Christmas at this annual event, presented by the Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce.

Several craft and business booths will be set up around town at the Vurpillat Opera House, fire station, Refined, Winamac Christian Church and New Beginnings Church. Numerous local businesses will offer sales for Christmas shoppers. The Lions Club toy drive and the craft and bake sale will be set up at the Pulaski County Human Services building, the Iris-Elm Garden Club holiday arrangement show will be at the train depot and the Boy Scout coat drive will take place on the courthouse lawn.

The holiday parade begins at 12:30 p.m. ET. It will start at the JP Lawncare Warehouse on Madison Street and continue down Market Street to the train depot at the intersection of Main and Logan Streets.