Pleasant View Rest Home Nominated for National Register of Historic Places

Pleasant View Rest Home
Pleasant View Rest Home

The Pleasant View Rest Home in Pulaski County has received the nomination to be in the National Register of Historic Places.

Letters of support were sought by the Division of State Historic Preservation and Archaeology in October to place the structure on the register. In a public meeting held at the Pulaski County Courthouse in November, Paul Diebold, a member of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Historical Preservation and Archaeology Committee, said he had never seen so much support for a effort such as this.

Diebold said letters and feedback received at that November meeting helped the committee make the decision which was reached this week.

“When they met this past Wednesday, Jan. 21, they did decide to formally nominate the property to the National Register of Historic Places,” said Diebold.

He added that having a historical structure gives Pulaski County something to be proud of. There are other advantages.

“It does mean that if the home were to be ever owned by anyone who had a tax liability or a certain tax advantages they can be brought to bear in the redevelopment of the home. If the home remains in public ownership, there is the possibility of applying for matching grants to do restoration work through our office.”

Commissioner Terry Young told WKVI News that he hopes something nice can be done with the building.

The county home is closing its doors as an operation on March 31, but the structure will remain a Pulaski County historic fixture for years to come.