Schools closed three days last week due to weather which means students will be making up those lost days of instruction.
West Central School Superintendent Don Street explains what his corporation will do to make up those days.
“Feb. 16 and April 20 are two snow make-up days we have. We’re also exploring the possibility of e-learning days and designate Saturdays as a possibility to make up future days missed,” said Street.
If the school board chooses the option, the e-learning days would only be utilized if there are any other missed days of school due to weather. The built-in school make-up days have already been taken.
Knox Community School Superintendent A.J. Gappa said there are three built-in school days which will be used. If any more days are missed, Gappa noted they will most likely be added to the end of the school year.
At North Judson-San Pierre Schools, there could be a chance that time is added to the end of school days to make up any additional missed days of school. Superintendent Lynn Johnson said the school board could also choose to add days to the end of the school year.
Greg Briles, Superintendent at Oregon-Davis schools, told WKVI News that they will use their three make-up days built into the calendar and if any more days need to made up, the school board will discuss their options. More than likely, days will be added to the end of the school year.
Eastern Pulaski School Superintendent Dan Foster said the corporation sent out a survey where e-learning could be the best option for the students, but he doesn’t feel they are quite ready to take that step. However, the corporation applied for the provision earlier and was approved. Like the other school corporations, days would probably be added to the school calendar.
Superintendent Dr. Vicki McGuire sent notice that Culver Community School students would be attending school on Monday, Jan. 19, Monday, Feb. 16 and Friday, May 8 as make up days as of Friday. If there are more all-day school closures, the school board will review procedure.