It’s important to clear sidewalks of snow for public safety. That’s the opinion of the Knox City Council members after receiving complaints from residents after the last snow storm.
Several council members received complaints of residents having to walk in the street in order to get to their destination. They were especially concerned when they saw citizens walking on U.S. 35 because the sidewalks were not cleared by property owners.
Mayor Rick Chambers said he received complaints about snow piled up on street corners. The street department was sent out to clear sidewalks and corners where private contractors piled the snow too high. Several mailboxes will be repaired by the city. They were knocked down to due to the heavy, wet snow.
He added that it’s hard to get all of the sidewalks cleared because some people are physically unable to clear snow, and some properties are vacant, so no one is available to clear the area.
The council members are asking residents to do the best they can to keep sidewalks clean for the safety of their neighbors.