Pulaski County Health Department Receives Grant


The Pulaski County Health Department received a reimbursable grant for supplies in the office.

Sherry Fagner told the commissioners this week that the State Department of Health Public Preparedness Base Grant is worth $13,460.

“We’re doing some updated packet printing for our partners. As far as supplies, we kind of have a lot of different things on there to update our Go Kits for our partners and to support a POD or any other event that we have to do,” explained Fagner.

The grant will help purchase weather radios, a hand crank radio, a wheelchair, flashlights, batteries, canopy tents, filing cabinets, personal care kits, and more. The purchases need to be made by the end of March.

The commissioners signed the necessary paperwork to approve the purchase of these items knowing that the county will be reimbursed.