Injection drug use is pinpointed as a cause of a jump in HIV cases in Scott County. No new cases of HIV have been reported locally.
Governor Mike Pence declared a public health emergency in Scott County yesterday due to an outbreak of HIV cases. The Indiana State Department of Health has identified 79 cases of HIV originating in Scott County.
Frank Lynch from the Starke County Health Department told WKVI News that the state may take action and institute a program that brings awareness to all counties.
Terri Hansen from the Pulaski County Health Department said if anyone has questions about HIV, call the office (574) 946-6080. Confidential testing is done quarterly at the office.
The Indiana State Department of Health is launching a campaign called “You are Not Alone” with the main focus on drug treatment, infection prevention, safe sex, needle disposal and HIV testing and treatment. If you need more information, call the HIV assistance hotline at 1-866-588-4948 and the addiction hotline at 1-800-662-HELP.