The Town of Winamac was, until recently, in search of a new Town Manager. Now that the role has been filled for several weeks, Brad Zellers says plenty of it feels comfortable.
Zellers was with the Waste Water Department for about 20 years prior to accepting the Town Manager position. The Winamac Town Council said they had received several applications for the position when it was open, but wanted someone with experience in utilities.
Zellers says things have been pretty easy so far.
“Dealing with the people, if they come in whether they have a complaint or just stop in and say hello, that’s fantastic,” says Zellers. “That’s been great so far, people coming in.”
Although he has decades of experience, Zellers says that learning the rules of Planning and Zoning has been quite a task.
Luckily, current Town Council President Kenneth McFarland used to be the acting Town Manager and has knowledge of Planning and Zoning issues.
Zellers says more good communication is key in his efforts.
“You know, we’re trying to do more communication, whether it’s through the newspaper, through your radio station, we want our people to give good communication so they’re aware of the things we are doing,” says Zellers.
Major projects have already started with Zellers in the Town Manager role. Included in that is a survey for water exploration and a new dog area in the Town Park.
Zellers says he will first need to discuss the matter with Town Council members before revealing any future projects.