Culver Academies Searching For Head of Schools


Culver Academies will be starting a search for the new Head of Schools.

It was recently announced that John Buxton and his wife Pam plan to retire in June of 2016. Buxton has been with the schools for the past 17 years. Culver Academies is a boarding and college preparatory school in Marshall County.

A letter was sent to Culver Academies’ alumni from the Chairman of The Culver Educational Foundation Board of Trustees Miles White announcing the change.

According to the announcement, a search committee made up of the school’s trustees will lead efforts in the selection process. The committee members have all led search efforts at other institutions.

A separate committee, consisting of faculty at the schools, will also be tasked with advising the search committee. White stressed the necessity of confidentiality in the search process.

Buxton will continue to lead Culver Academies until his retirement.