Tax bills are in the mail to Marshall County property owners. Treasurer Penny Lukenbill urges taxpayers to check their statements carefully to make sure they are getting all of the deductions for which they qualify.
Questions about deductions can be directed to the auditor’s office at 574-935-8555. Questions about assessments should be directed to the assessor’s office at 574-935-8525.
The first installment of 2014 pay 2015 taxes is due Monday, May 11. Payments can be made at the treasurer’s office on the second floor of the county building during regular business hours. The office will also be open Saturday, May 9 from 9 a.m. until noon to accept payments and on Friday, May 8 and Monday, May 11 until 6 p.m. All county offices will be closed Tuesday, May 5 to accommodate the primary election. A drop box is also available at the south end of the county building.
Payments can also be made at all TCU branches and at IAB Financial Bank in Bourbon. Lake City Bank will no longer accept payments. Additionally payments can be mailed to the treasurer’s office. Online payments are also available at www.co.marshall.in.us or by phone at 1-866-480-8552. They are subject to a fee based on the amount paid.