The state legislature hopes to give more funding for schools, but according to North Judson-San Pierre Schools Superintendent Lynn Johnson her corporation will still see a cut in funding.
She says the schools that are growing, or increasing in enrollment, will see an increase in funding. She explained to the North Judson-San Pierre School Board last night that the corporation’s enrollment is declining which means a cut in funding.
The House and Senate are still attempting to finalize a budget. The House has its school funding plan while the Senate plan differs in numbers. Either way, Johnson said, the school corporation will not see an increase in its budget.
“In the House plan, 177 school corporations will receive more money, 58 will receive less and that includes us,” said Johnson. “This cut with the House plan is less than the Senate plan, but it’s still a reduction. It’s just less of a reduction. In the Senate plan, 88 schools receive gains and 40 receive cuts including us. We would receive less money.”
Johnson indicated that North Judson-San Pierre is listed as one of the top 10 districts to receive cuts.
The board still needs to cut more money in this year’s budget. In August, it was recommended that the board will need to cut $483,973 for 2015. In 2016, it is recommended that the board cut and $805,504. The board reluctantly approved the reductions as presented.
Johnson has called for a public meeting to discuss the proposed school funding, budget reductions, revenue and expenditures, plus revenue and referendum is scheduled for Thursday, April 30 at 6:30 p.m. CT in the high school auditorium.
“There will be an opportunity for questions and answers. I don’t know if we’ll have every answer, but if we don’t we will find out. I want the community to have an opportunity to speak freely. It’s a hard time. We will all make the commitment to do what we need to do for our school. We’re going strong, and we need to stay strong.”