The Winamac Town Council is trying to work through the preliminary stages of organizing grant opportunities and ensuring transparency.
Winamac Greenspace, otherwise known as the Town’s Tree Committee, is expected to work with the non-profit group Arrowhead Country Resource Conservation and Development on obtaining grant funds.
Winamac Town Clerk Melanie Berger says communication is key.
“All three of these groups pretty much just need to be on the same page as to what Winamac Greenspace is doing with the Town,” says Berger.
The aims of Winamac Greenspace are still unclear, but future meetings hope to aid in the decision-making process. According to minutes from Tuesday morning’s meeting, the Town Council is also expecting a higher degree of communication and accountability from the tree committee.
As things stand, any grant funds received by the tree committee would be distributed through Arrowhead. Those monies could be used for the replenishing of trees or other landscaping projects.
Berger says future discussions need to take place to decide how to obtain grants and how they will be used.
“Nothing is pending with RC&D to my knowledge,” says Berger. “There’s nothing pending for any kind of grant.”
The Winamac Town Council met Tuesday morning to discuss their ideas for the Greenspace committee. Little was decided, that is, until additional meetings are held between the groups.