An appraisal of the Pleasant View Rest Home in Winamac will be conducted for a potential real estate sale.
Two appraisals will be sought from local licensed appraisers to complete the task. Pulaski County Commissioner Terry Young will be contacting the contractors to set up the procedure.
The commissioners also agreed to hold an auction to get rid of the contents inside the county home. It was also suggested that other unwanted items from county departments be included in the auction. An auction date has not been finalized.
The commissioners will be advertising the sale of the building in the Indiana Preservationist publication. The cost of the advertisement will be approximately $150 and the magazine is distributed around the state. The property parcels could be split, but that decision has not been made. Those who are also planning to sell their property soon may visit sites like to get in touch with cash buyers.
Commissioner Young also updated the board that the full time staff has completed their employment at the county home. The last payroll checks were distributed this week. Auditor Shelia Garling asked the commissioners to pay the last fuel bill from the commissioners budget and that was unanimously approved.