The Starke County Park Board last night voted to draft a letter to the current lessee of the Beach and Campground at Bass Lake setting forth certain repairs and maintenance to safety and health hazards that must be completed within 30 days. The letter will also set forth that a plan of repair and replacement be developed and established for other equipment and buildings.
Members of the Board inspected the Bass Lake facility on April 23rd and expected lessor Richard Callahan and/or his attorney, David Wallsmith, to attend their meeting in order to discuss a repair and maintenance plan for the summer season, which starts this weekend. Neither were present, nor did they notify the Board of their inability to attend the meeting.
Earlier in the meeting, Forester Bruce Wakeland discussed alleged problems with beavers in the wetland area of the Starke County Forest in eastern Starke County. Wakeland hopes to meet with an area resident who has expressed concerns in order to resolve the problem.
Wakeland reported that beavers were introduced into Starke County by the State in 1949 and that they have been in the wetlands of current forest park since 1952.
The Board approved construction of a wooden walkway over a wet area on one of the trails in the forest.
Winter snow biking was discussed and it was determined that it would not be allowed, citing that the activity was not compatible with forest management and the purpose for which the acreage was developed.
The next meeting was set for Tuesday, June 16th at 6 p.m. Meetings are held in the Courthouse Annex and are open to the public.