Culver Environmental Council Seeks Input on Protecting Lake Water


Those interested in maintaining the water quality of Lake Maxinkuckee will have a chance to speak their mind later this month.

The Lake Maxinkuckee Environmental Council will be hosting their Community Stakeholders meeting on June 26th. The meeting is aimed at updating the group’s Lake and Watershed Management Plan.

Watershed Coordinator Kathy Clark says they want to provide an update on the original goals as well.

“Those that we’ve either accomplished or now have incorporated into the annual maintenance program and those we may have failed on like the turbidity issue and sending buoys out on a depth basis versus additions from the shore line,” says Clark. “Then we want to collect additions from as many people as we can get into that building.”

The group last conducted management plan efforts in 2005.

Environmental Council members oversee water quality and lake level testing. In addition, farmers have been asked to plant buffer strips to prevent certain chemicals from entering the water supply. The group says they’ve accomplished plenty of goals over the last 10 years.

Clark says new plans may need to address the potential for changing weather patterns as well as a few other topics..

“We know that there’s talk of, really across the country but also in Indianapolis, about them looking to the future and trying to figure out if there’s a chance they might need to come and take water from very strong aquifers – which is what feeds our lake,” says Clark.

The environmental council is also interested in whether the public wants them to continue other efforts.

While money remains an obstacle for implementing major plans, volunteer contributions in their efforts has been an asset according to Clark.