A wheel tax has been recommended for further consideration in Pulaski County.
The fee – assessed annually against motorists during their license plate renewal – has been discussed for a few weeks in area counties to improve and maintain roads. The Pulaski County Commissioners considered the item prior to a joint meeting with the County Council next week.
Commission President Larry Brady says local governments may need to utilize their own revenue options for road repairs.
“I see the white flag coming up from out there and from the state that monies aren’t going to be coming from them and we have to use the tools that have been presented to us,” says Brady.
State funding to maintain and improve roads has stagnated. Pulaski County could generate as much as $495-thousand should the maximum tax rates be applied. If approved, the wheel tax would be split between the County and its municipal bodies.
Because the tax is a financial matter, it is largely the responsibility of the Pulaski County Council. Further discussion on the matter didn’t seem appropriate as far as the Commission was concerned without their endorsement to continue the talks.
Dissent was present as Commissioner Terry Young says he was worried about any sunset on the tax.
“I don’t like taxes,” says Young. “I think we’re taxed enough for the record. Cass County went through this years ago and they had a wheel tax that was going to be a one time deal and it and it’s ended up forever and that’s usually what happens. So that’s what my feelings are on the wheel tax.”
Pulaski County is running up against a deadline of June 30th to make a decision on the wheel tax.
The recommendation for the County Council to continue discussion was approved 2-1 with Terry Young voting against the motion.