Society of Innovators Issues Call for Nominations

society of innovators logoThe Society of Innovators of Northwest Indiana of Ivy Tech Community College is looking for innovators throughout the seven-county region they serve. Officials visited Kemin Industries in North Judson yesterday as part of a seven-county call for nominations tour. The Kemin-Lambert Spearmint Team was the 2013-14 recipient of the Chanute Prize for Team Innovation. Local grower Ed Lambert partnered with Kemin Industries after learning about their aspirations to make a natural food additive during a spearmint growers convention.

Last year a team from Thermo Products, Inc. was inducted into the Society of Innovators for their development of an ultra-high efficiency furnace. In 2012 the Rural and Rustic Tourism group formed through a partnership with the Starke County Chamber of Commerce was recognized, and in 2011 the Starke County Economic Development Foundation was lauded for the development of the lead track facility in the Knox Industrial Park.

Starke County Economic Development Foundation Executive Director Charlie Weaver says he would like to keep Starke County’s streak going with another nominee this year. The nomination period continues through Monday, July 6. Visit for more information or to submit a nomination.