The Pulaski County Commissioners accepted the letter of resignation of their Emergency Management Agency Director.
Larry Hoover told the Commissioners last night that he would leave his position effective August 1st. Allowing for several weeks to make the transition also will allow Hoover time to prepare certain grant applications for the county.
The Commissioners thanked him for his service to the county.
“I’ve enjoyed it and I didn’t take this decision likely, so,” says Hoover.
Emergency Management is associated with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security to keep area residents safe through non-military measures.
50-percent of the position’s salary is reimbursed through the state. With budget season approaching, the Pulaski County Commissioners are searching for cost saving measures in the area of salaries. Though not entirely in agreement, the Commissioners asked Hoover his opinion on making the position part-time.
Hoover says there’s too much to do.
“With the number of meetings, trainings, and the grant work and everything, I can’t see this being a part-time position,” says Hoover. “The other side is: they’re going to be working so many hours.”
The Pulaski County EMA Advisory Board to conduct candidate interviews prior to making a recommendation.
Commissioners will have the final say on any new candidate hired for the position. A few financial considerations, namely compensation time, may need to be made prior to appointing someone to take over on August 1st.