With the recent abundance of rainy weather a couple local businesses that offer summer services are suffering. Winamac businesses Tippe-Canoe Rentals as well as Riverside Rentals haven’t been able to let anyone out on the rivers for weeks due to the high levels. Conditions have just been too dangerous to allow patrons to rent canoes and kayaks.
Former owner of 18 years and father of the current owner of Tippe-Canoe Rentals, retiree Randy Overmyer discussed the toll that the recent flooding has taken on their business, “It directly affects us that’s for sure” he said, “As a matter of fact last weekend we were booked up with reservations and we just had to cancel everything.”
Weather permitting, Overmyer expects business to pick up in the months of July and August but they are at the mercy of mother nature. The establishment does not require down payments when reservations are made so when poor weather conditions are predicted they just inform the patron that the scheduled runs have been canceled.
As for Riverside Rentals, Owner Connie Scott, informed WKVI news that they haven’t been able to put anyone out since June 7, prior to the most recent bout of intense rainfall.
Scott says they keep a close eye on the water levels and adjust their rentals accordingly,
“From past experience we know at what levels it is okay for customers to run, because if they’re having problems then we’re having problems too. So we watch the levels real close. So we look at the water data charts and when it gets to the levels where we can run we know.”
As the month of July kicks off, both businesses hope to see a lot less rain to get in a lot more runs. Canoeing and kayaking are two integral summertime activities that no summer break should be without. As long as water levels continue to lower, both family operated businesses should be making regular runs in no time.