Blueberry Festival Organizers Credit Partners with Event’s Success

Blueberry-Logo-2012Marshall County Blueberry Festival is next weekend, and organizers are expecting a successful event.

Larry Faulstich helps chair the festival’s carnival. He says the carnival’s success wouldn’t be possible without good partnerships, “We have had a great relationship with the carnival over the last 12 years, and every year we improve a few things and tweak a few things to make it better.”

He also credits the City of Plymouth for working with the organizers to make sure the festival goes well, “The city this year has been wonderful working with us and the mayor, and Randolph Street’s been repaved, where everyone’s going to walk, which is great. So I mean, it’s just been some great cooperation this year and we’re moving forward step by step.”

The festival runs Labor Day weekend, September 4 – 7.

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