Today’s the first day of classes at Ancilla College. President Ken Zirkle says the school’s first residence hall means more students,
“We’re going to be opening up with just about 500 students. It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to say we’re in that range of right around 500.”
He says this increase in students lets the school offer new academic opportunities, “We’re starting an agriculture major. We will be announcing a director here in the near future. We’re finalizing the arrangements for this individual, and I think he’s going to do a great job, but we begin courses there right away this coming week, and I suspect that as time goes on that will become one of the biggest majors at Ancilla.”
Dr. Zirkle thinks the new major makes sense based on the college’s location, “I remember a little over a year ago when I drove in here for the first time from Pennsylvania, and where I’m standing I’m surrounded by cattle on one side, beans on the other side, corn, and hay, and yet we didn’t have an ag program. I said, ‘I’m not sure this makes sense to me.'”
They also plan to offer a culinary and hospitality program in the future.