Former Veterans Service Officer Seeks Hearing, Reinstatement


Former Starke County Veterans Service Officer Terry Turner contends the county commissioners denied him his due process and violated his constitutional right to free speech by not allowing him to speak during a recent meeting. Turner was fired during the June 15th commissioners meeting. He filed a grievance against the commissioners for wrongful termination, claiming President Kent Danford never gave him any oral or written warning about any improper actions. Turner also asked for a list of veterans who have complained about his job performance. The commissioners conducted an executive session grievance hearing with Turner and upheld their action during their July 6th meeting, citing his status as an at-will employee.

Turner contends in a letter submitted to the commissioners and shared with WKVI News that the commissioners violated their own handbook by not giving him a chance to speak. He is requesting they complete the grievance procedure as dictated in the handbook by giving him an opportunity to speak at their next meeting. It’s Monday, Aug. 17th. An agenda has not yet been made public.

Turner’s letter also requests that he be immediately reinstated as veterans service officer and paid his lost wages. He also requests Danford resign as commissioner or apologize for his “accusations and lies that have slander (sic) my reputation and forced my replacement as county veterans service officer.”

Click Terry Turner Letter Aug. 11, 2015 to read a copy of Turner’s letter.