A program designed to return delinquent real estate to the tax rolls was held on Monday in Starke County.
Auditor Kay Chaffins and Treasurer Kasey Clark say more than $268-thousand was collected from the owners and buyers of the real estate under consideration.
A property tax sale is required for properties if a land owner fails to pay the property taxes on the prior year’s first tax bill installment. Information provided by the county says a tax lien can be sold to the highest bidder to help put the property back on the tax rolls.
180 parcels had all of their taxes, penalties, and costs paid on Monday. 118 parcels of land were sold to 20 bidders in Starke County.
Chaffins says the goal of the tax sale is to fully fund government services.
According to a press release, 73 properties did not sell – which will result in a tax lien acquired against the property by the Starke County Commissioners. Those unsold properties could ultimately be sold by the Commissioners at a later date.