Kicking the Habit Presents Challenges for New Year’s Resolutions


The start of the New Year often brings with it a few resolutions.

Among the most common choices consistently cited amongst Americans for change is to quit smoking. According to the American Cancer Society, kicking the habit is difficult due to the presence of nicotine in tobacco products.

Nicotine is broadly considered an addictive substance – which can present a few challenges for those interested in going cold turkey. Anxiety, frustration, and irritability are all cited as possible side effects of completing a New Year’s Resolution to quit smoking.

The American Lung Association says tobacco related illness is the top form of preventable disease. They say tobacco use may kill up to 500-thousand Americans, annually.

Although the task of putting down that last butt brings with it some challenges, health experts largely agree that reducing tobacco brings with it some immediate and long-term health benefits.

Lower blood pressure, lower risk of infection in the lungs, and reduced cancer risk over a sufficient number of years.