A deputy with the LaPorte County Sheriff’s Department is looking for a bit of community involvement to help those affected by an infrastructure disaster.
The deputy, also a designated school resource officer in Westville and South Central schools, is asking for bottles of water to be donated for the benefit of students in Flint, Michigan.
The city has been negotiating a fix to both its water infrastructure and public perception after it was found to contain high levels of lead. Public health hazards resulted from cost cutting measures to the city’s infrastructure needs.
Project H2O, as it’s being called, is looking to send trailers of bottled water to the community to provide aid until a solution is implemented. Area residents may drop-off cases of bottled water at Westville, South Central, Wanatah, and LaCrosse schools until February 12th.
The LaPorte County Sheriff’s Department says they have been in contact with school administrators in Flint – who say they are grateful for the support and have been inundated with calls for support.
The school corporations in LaPorte County are hoping to not only make the effort one of good will, but also to bring a bit of competition into the mix. Local sporting events are being advertised as a way to promote the effort.