Indiana Right to Life President to Headline Marshall County RTL Banquet


Marshall County Right to Life will have its annual banquet next week in Plymouth.

Board member Darlene Edgecomb says this year’s event will include one of the state’s leading pro-life advocates, “Our featured speaker is going to be Mike Fichter. He’s presently the president and the CEO of Indiana Right to Life. He’s a wonderful man, I’ve known him for many years, and a fine Christian man. He does a great job.”

While the event is a fundraiser for Marshall County Right to Life, Edgecomb says it serves another, more important purpose for the organization, “The value in it is mostly for people who are pro-life or those who are wondering if they would like to be pro-life and how they can get involved in helping save babies.” As part of that effort, information will be available on some of the events held by Marshall County Right to Life throughout the year.

Edgecomb says another goal of the banquet is to inform the public. She says there are many misconceptions when it comes to abortion, and the banquet is an opportunity for people to learn more about the issue, so they can make better-informed decisions.

The Marshall County Right to Life Annual Banquet will be held Thursday, April 21 at Christos Banquet Center in Plymouth. For tickets, call Paula Poisel with Marshall County Right to Life at 574-498-6628.