Enrollment projections for 2016-17 indicate West Central is losing students. Superintendent Don Street says they have more graduates leaving than they have anticipated kindergarten students enrolling this fall. That leaves a projected enrollment of 800 students, compared to 820 this year. That’s due in part to Pulaski County’s stagnant, aging population and the fact fewer people are having children.
Street adds West Central remains committed to students. Career and technical courses are offered at the high school., along with electives and courses like music, art and physical education at the elementary, middle and high school levels.
Street says some reductions in force are possible. He adds West Central also looks at positions when people leave to decide whether they need to be filled. He says they intend to maintain programs to ensure students receive a well-rounded education.
West Central officials are looking at the number of elementary sections needed next year as well as the offerings at the middle/high school. He adds no final reduction in force decisions have been made yet.